Reason For the Season
Reason for the season is pleasing God and recognizing The reprising of the role manifested through Christ The word given life and we see...
Psalm 37
Worry or fret Jesus don’t forget The wicked prosper, where is the justice Where would u turn were to defend this Psalm 37, David's old...
Hebrews 12:3-4
Hebrews 12 To make men do what they don’t wanna do in order to achieve what they wanna be God does that with discipline for you and me...
Hebrews 12:1-2
Hebrews 12:1-2 Open up your ears let me hear you listen cloud of witness their testimony glistens Therefore in light of what was written...
Budget Meeting
Jeremiah 9 23 through 24 Open up ur mind open up the door All of scripture is God breathing Move from milk to toddler teething Jeremiah...
Hebrews 11
What does it mean to live by faith? What kind of faith makes us saved? Does living by faith preoccupy our mind? Do we look like the old...
Hebrews 10:31-39
Claudius expelling jews from Rome Nero replaced him in the throne At that time hebrews was written Endure the faith be a light not hidden...
Hebrews 10:26-31
Hebrew 10:26-31 A week past Easter back in Highview Back together in the Word no more doughnuts in the pew JULY 8TH 1741 Enfield...
Easter 2018
Easter Outward reactions They show us what’s inside When we react Our inward feelings can hide Easter Sunday shows how we feel About...
Good Friday
Good Friday Lay down the black cloth Let us see the diamonds Arms up knees bent Nope u looking like the Hiesman It’s impossible to forget...